Starting in the fall of 2024-2025, Somersworth High School will reinstitute an Attendance Policy. Consistent class attendance is essential to maintain the integrity of the high school education experience. Much of what occurs in the classroom cannot be duplicated through make-up work. Absent students miss valuable class time which can not be replicated. Starting next school year, student with over 5 unexcused absences in an academic quarter will receive an Administrative D (AD). This AD will override a passing grade. If a student does receive an AD, they will have an opportunity to appeal at the end of the quarter.
Parent Verified and unexcused absences will be limited to 5 per quarter for each class. Once a student reaches this threshold they will qualify for an Administrative D(AD).
Students are expected to be in school and to classes on time. Students will receive one unsanctioned absence for every 3 unexcused tardy that exceeds 5 minutes. Tardy, for this particular attendance policy ONLY, will be considered more than 5 minutes late to class but less than 25 minutes late. Students who arrive more than 25 minutes late are considered absent for that class period unless documentation is provided.
What is considered an Excused Absence? (SB Policy JH)
Excused absences are absences that do not count toward truancy and are allowed by the school. For an absence to be excused, all absences must be reported by a phone call or written notification within 24 hours. Call the main office at 603-692-2431 to report all absences. Parents should avoid, when possible, disruptions to the academic year by planning medical appointments and vacations at times that will not require students to be out of school. All excusal notes, in writing, must be turned in within 3 school days to the main office, after the return to school.
Excused Absences are defined as the following:
- Sick at home (verified by a doctor's note)
- Recovery from an accident (verified by a doctor's note)
- Verified required Court attendance.
- Observation or celebration of a bona fide religious holiday.
- A school related functions.
- College visitations, supported by official documentation within 2 days of the student returning to school.
- Dismissal by a school official (nurse, guidance, administrator)
- In-School Suspension or Out-Of-School Suspension unless a student's action was done to earn ISS or OSS.
Please see Documents attached for further information, EOY school letter as well as a student version of the policy to share with your student. Thank you for your support and understanding in this matter.
Wishing everyone a safe and fun Summer Break!
EOY Letter to Families.pdf
Parent Version Attendance Policy 24-25 SY.pdf
Student version Attendance Policy 24.25 SY.pdf